If you are dealing with pests in your yard, home, or business – we’re here to help. There are many different species of pests that are common in Henderson, Transylvania, Polk, & Rutherford Counties, and we’ve outlined the major culprits in our pest library. Look over our list of pests and note the different behavioral tendencies of each one. Our team of pest experts is well versed on each of these intruders and we know how to eliminate them from your property for good.
In Western North Carolina, we primarily see two types of mice in homes; the common House Mouse and the Deer Mouse.
Each year, these small rodents cause significant damage to property, crops, and food supplies across the United States. In addition to damaging property, rodents may also spread diseases, posing risks to public health through rodent-borne diseases which can be transferred directly to humans through bite wounds, consumption of food and/or water or breathing dust contaminated by rodent droppings. Mice also impact us indirectly by way of ticks, mites, and fleas that transmit the infection to humans after feeding on infected rodents.
Signs of mice include droppings around floors and counters, scratching sounds, gnaw marks, and chewed boxes. During the day, mice sleep hidden away in their nests typically made of soft materials. Nesting materials could include shredded paper, cardboard boxes, insulation, or cotton.
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